What happened in the encounter between Officer Darren Wilson and Michael Brown? Here is a look at what is known and what remains to be discovered.
Three minutes - that is how long it took from the time Officer Darren Wilson confronted teenager Michael Brown at 12:01, and 12:04 when other officers arrived on the scene to find Mr Brown dead.
Those three minutes, and the fallout that followed, have been the source of protests, headlines and general unrest in the St Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri. But what exactly happened in that time is still a source of confusion.
How many times was Michael Brown shot?
According to a new autopsy report released on Monday, Mr Brown was shot at least six times, including twice in the head and and four times in his right arm. The autopsy, done at the request of the family by a private pathologist, also revealed that Mr Brown could have sustained two additional re-entry wounds.
According to Dr Michael Baden, Mr Brown was killed by one of the bullets that struck the top of his head and entered his skull.
Does the autopsy show who was at fault?
Monday's autopsy results only provided clues as to what happened during the shooting, but nothing is definitive.
Forensic pathologist Shawn Parcells, who assisted Dr Baden, said that one of the gunshot wounds to Mr Brown's arm could have occurred as he had his hands up, but it remains unclear if that was the case.
This particular arm wound could also have been sustained while Mr Brown had his back to the officer or while he was facing the officer with his arms in a defensive positioning.
Additionally, Dr Baden told the New York Times that the wound on the top of Mr Brown's head suggests that his head was bent over when the bullet struck.
Dr Baden said that there was no gunshot powder residue on Mr Brown's skin, indicating that the he was shot from more than 2ft (.6m) away, although the exact distance between Mr Brown and Mr Wilson at the time of the shooting remains unknown.
How does this compare with witness statements?
Dorian Johnson, Mr Brown's friend who was with him during the shooting, said that the confrontation began as a scuffle at the police car window with Mr Wilson still seated inside. Mr Wilson fired his weapon out the window of the vehicle, said Mr Johnson, and the two teenagers took off running down the street.
While Mr Brown was running away from Mr Wilson, Mr Johnson says that his friend was shot once from behind and then turned to face the police officer while raising his arms in the air. According to Mr Johnson, the officer fired several more shots at Mr Brown before he fell to the ground.
Tiffany Mitchell, another eyewitness, recalled a similar narrative in an interview on CNN. She said that Mr Brown briefly struggled with Mr Wilson while he was still seated in the police car. During the struggle, Ms Mitchell says that the officer shot his gun through the window. Following the first gunshot, Mr Brown ran down the street, and the officer got out of his vehicle and shot again, alleges Ms Mitchell.
"Michael jerks his body as if he's hit and he turns around and faces the officer with his hands up," she said. "And the officer continues to shoot him until he goes down to the ground."
Family lawyer Benjamin Crump said autopsy results backed up the witness accounts |
What have the authorities said so far?
The day after the shooting, St Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar told reporters that Mr Brown or Mr Johnson allegedly pushed Officer Wilson back into his car as he was trying to get out, and proceeded to physically assault the officer. At some point, they struggled over Mr Wilson's weapon. A shot was fired in the car, at which point the officer got out of vehicle, and shot Mr Brown.
According to Mr Belmar, there was a distance of 35ft between Mr Wilson and Mr Brown when he was shot.
Citing the ongoing inquiry, officials have declined to release more detail.
What happens now?
US Attorney General Eric Holder has ordered a federal autopsy to be conducted on the body as soon as possible. The justice department already started a civil rights investigation into the shooting, deploying 40 FBI agents to Ferguson.
The local police have yet to release the full incident report related to the shooting of Michael Brown or the official autopsy report.
On Wednesday, a Missouri grand jury could begin hearing evidence to determine whether Mr Wilson will face criminal charges.
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