Saturday, June 14, 2014

An Ekiadolor Mag­istrate Court in Ovia North East Local Govern­ment Area of Edo State has sentenced one Pastor Uwen Friday to five years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling a 12-year old girl. The randy pastor was said to have raped the victim in a farm at Okokhuo village in Ovia North East Local Gov­ernment Area.
The rape was said to have resulted in pregnancy. Pastor Uwen was ar­raigned on one count charge of unlawful sexual inter­course to which he pleaded guilty. Consequently, the mag­istrate, F.I Oghoator in her judgment sentenced Pastor Uwen to five years imprison­ment with hard labour with­out an option of fine.

In a related incident, an­other pastor, Samson Odey­emi, has been arraigned at an Iguobazuwa Magistrate court for raping a married woman. Police Prosecutor, Agagi James told the court that the offence was committed on May 14, when the pastor took the victim to a river for spiritual cleansing.
The victim was said to have gone to the pastor to seek spiritual healing follow­ing spiritual attacks she was having. Pastor Odeyemi allegedly asked the victim to pull her clothes but she refused, fol­lowing which he forcefully raped her. It was learnt that the inci­dent became public knowl­edge when the victim’s chil­dren started falling ill and the husband was told to ask his wife what she did.
She was said to have con­fessed and Pastor Odeyemi was arrested. He however pleaded not guilty to the one-count charge. Meanwhile, the trial Mag­istrate, I. U Iyioha, has grant­ed the accused bail and ad­journed the case till July 10.


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